Thursday, June 10, 2010

Economics 101, and American Duty and Responsibility.

Yea I know, it makes me shiver just thinking about all that math and we have all had one professor or another that made this so boring that you have shied away from it for life. In a world where the global economies are all failing and you are better off trusting a con-man than your local politician it is important that we all educate ourselves. To truly understand how to fix our economy wouldn't it just make sense for everyone to actually understand how the economy works to begin with? Nowadays it almost seems like you need a degree in Economics just to understand how these politicians work.
Recently, I have been trying to understand Economics by reading some things for beginners and watching videos online. I found one channel on youtube that I would recommend to others to educate themselves. Paddy Hirsch works for "Marketplace" and this is a link to their youtube channel. He is a cheerful Irishman with a whiteboard full of drawings. I find him helpful and about as entertaining as you are going to get when it comes to explaining economics.

^^^I thought that this might be a video of interest to some people :) Just a little push to get you on your way to earning your degree in economics ;)

Remember the best thing that you can do is to learn as much as you can and research as much as possible. Because, with the facts on your side, you can never lose!


New Warning Label for the Constitution

This has been all over the news and I figured that it was about time that I commented on this. Just in case you hadn't heard, Wilder Publications has been placing a "warning" label in the cover of its copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, Common Sense, and the Articles of Confederation. The label states that "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.”
As if that weren't outraging enough, it continues on to warn parents that they "might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work."Now I don't agree with this publication in putting such a warning in there books. But many are saying that the reason the company is doing this is because to some Americans, the Constitution is offensive. This is even more disturbing to me, who is offended by our Constitution?! And why are they living in America if that is the case?! As a student of political science I have read the constitution multiple times, I have not seen any piece of material that would offend someone but apparently it does, and that is terrifying.
As previously quoted the warning label says that the books do not reflect the same values of the authors today. Well isn't that the truth. With the way that America is being run today it would help all of us out if the same principles that the founders had when they penned the Constitution were in all of the Americans who are running our governments. The amount of outrage by people across the country shows that at some level there are still people out there who respect the values that our once great nation was founded upon. This ludicrous warning label that exists only to satiate the anti-American crazies in Congress, and even some living among us. Make your outrage known!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The First Amendment: From Michael Moore to Helen Thomas

I know that this news is fairly old, but I was searching for some videos on the conflict between Palestine and Israel when I came upon "A Brief History of The United States of America". From Bowling for Columbine, this video is truly ludicrous. Besides missing factual basis for how the slaves made their way to America, it also clearly states that all NRA members must be white supremacists. This is based on the fact that the NRA foundation coincided with a Civil Rights Act of 1871. There is no person alive today who can be punished for something that happened about 200 years ago. Before I go further I think that I should let everyone else judge this video for themselves. People like Michael Moore go around spewing this crap, and while I agree that according to our prized first amendment he has every right to free speech to say all of it, the scary part is that he has some hand in politics. And that there are people out there who are influenced by his movies and use them as a "history" lesson. Everyone is allowed to say whatever they want, however there really are some things that you SHOULDN'T say.
Take Helen Thomas for example. Her recent Anti-Semitic comments have led to her retirement, which at nearing 90 years old isn't exactly premature. Thomas is a prime example that just because someone has a heritage based in a certain region it doesn't mean that she has any expertise on the history more than any other person (Thomas is Lebanese) . She stated that the "Jews should go back to Poland and Germany". It is true that during the Holocaust many European Jews immigrated to Israel/Palestine in an attempt to escape Hitler, and really who could blame them? However, what Thomas fails to understand is that Jewish people have lived in the Middle East for many many years before 1948. And without getting too much into the whole Palestine/Israeli conflict, one of the main setbacks is that each nation keeps taunting the other, very much like children. Essentially Ms. Thomas should have just shut her mouth when it comes to this issue which she obviously is not well versed in. It took 50+ years for Helen Thomas to finally be removed from the front row of the White House press conference. In this case, change is most definitely a good thing...

Friday, May 21, 2010

...and so it begins

This is just an opening post to describe what I am going to do here. I plan on taking any news, interesting information, videos, pictures, etc and combining them all into a daily(hopefully) post of a news update...hence "the Collective insight" Heres to the first post of the blog!
Happy Blogging!
